Argolis Smart Reader Executive Order
To be more focused for our readers. News: Trumps Signs Executive Order on H1B Visa Program. Not smart President.
1990 graduate of Murray State University.GO RACERS!!! 27-years in the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, and honored to have served with some of America's finest.STEEL ON TARGET!!! Most recent, previous book release is Time Passed. From an Amazon review of Time Passed: 'I have to admit, this book is not in my usual genre, so I had low expectations that I would enjoy it.
I couldn't have been more wrong! This book has become one of my all time favorite reads.
The book is about 3 Vietnam Vets, their experiences while at war, and how they affected them when they returned home. You are brought into the jungle with these men, experiencing all their losses and struggles. It is a gut wrenching read, that covers decades of suffering of these men and the people they love.' Swiss Gear Wireless Mouse Driver.