Classpad Manager V3 Professional Install Keyless Entry
Jun 03, 2015 When I got it back I was a bit peeved at the lack of effort put in for installation. Rate my dealer install - keyless entry remote. Paxton Access - Intelligent access control systems for buildings. English - US. See the benefits of our simple video door entry solution in just two minutes.

So I had my dealer install an aftermarket set in my JK. When I got it back I was a bit peeved at the lack of effort put in for installation. I'm not sure what the standard is when it comes to this, but I feel like I would have done 10x better job than these so called professionals. The only reason why I didn't do it myself was because they said any installs not done by them may or may not affect the warranty, and didn't want to chance it. But I am starting to think it's just a marketing ploy. Lesson learned. From now on I am going to do all new installs myself.
They only did the bare minimum and returned the vehicle back to me. Driver Improvement Practice Test Virginia. All 3 doors were wired to a single remote push for lock/unlock. No progressive unlock, no dome light, no door triggers, no horn honk, no parking light flash - when the module has all of these readily available. The wiring is a mess too.
Looks like they shoved it all in the glove box area and even zip tied the relays onto wires to dangle. No wire looms to protect the harnesses. I really don't want to bring it back to complain, it wouldn't help much and they'd probably butcher it up more. I have already figured and wired the horn honk and flashing parking lights. I still need to connect the other things listed. Thanks for reading this rant.
It's a complete marketing ploy when any dealer claims that anything you do will affect the warranty. There has to be proof that something you did caused a problem for them to deny warranty work. But some dealers are harder to work with than others for sure. I'm with mill on this one.
But I also hate my dealer and would never entrust them to do work like this after they butchered my recall on the transmission cooler line. In fact, the shop that did my lift and will be doing my bumpers and SPOD is who i would go to for any future wiring work. They take pride in their work.
I know it is easy to walk away and spend the time to do it yourself to correct the 'technicians' errors or lack of ability but it is important for the Service Manager to know about the poor quality of work coming out of his shop. I would drive it back to the dealer with no appointment and park right in front of the Service Manager's door (if possible) and spend the time with him discussing the poor workmanship and lack of thoroughness by his shop personnel. A good Service Manager will quickly have the ticket writer and the tech in his office to discuss the issue and should try to make it right. If he does not, then a detailed complaint to the General Manager of the dealership is in order as well as contacting 'Jeep Cares' with all the details. Bonuses at many dealerships are directly tied to good evaluations and lack of issues brought to the attention of 'Mother Jeep'.
If all else fails, you have the ability to fix it yourself, but there is no reason to let the poor service go without those responsible for it to think they are doing a good job or are getting away with a fast one on a gullible client.