Descent Journey In The Dark Second Edition Rules And Regulations

My FLGS had Forgotten Souls available on Table Top Day and I gave it a whirl. The environment was a little chaotic with a half dozen or more games. It was loud and fun and crazy, but not the best place to read a rule book.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition). Differences from the first edition of Descent include: Simpler rules for determining line of sight.
In any case I had questions about the rules. The monster activation cards sometimes had more actions listed than a monster could do in the regular rules. We just did everything on the card including having monsters attract twice. Was this correct? Some monster activation cards had wording that I just couldn't understand. One example is card 3/10 that instructs the Flesh Moulder to 'If a hero is adjacent to this monster, engage the exit of the current encounter.' What does that mean?
When does the timer start ticking on the Encounter card, that is when exactly does on place a fatigue token on the lower orange part of the card with the hourglass? Ad1888 Soundmax Audio Driver Windows 7 64 Bit. We were confused as to placing as soon as the card was drawn or after the overlord turn or some other time? Despite having some troubles understanding the rules, we had an awesome time. I can't wait to try it again. On the monster AI card you only fulfill 2 of the actions even if more are listed work down the list until 2 have been done, Note however you ignore/skip spot/engage if you are already in los or engaged with the target.
Might be a hero or exit as below. Some cards do have the monsters attack twice i remember a flesh molder one that they attack the highest hit point hero and then the closest hero it might be the same hero! Most seem to be spot or engage and attack though. 3/10 the engage one: engage the exit think of it like this: 'if some hero is adjacent to this monster make the monster run away to the exit' (engage the exit) engage = move towards we placed the fatigue token on the card each overlord effect phase, so it might vary if the hero's get an action depends on when they opened the door and drew the card, the 1st onset card we still waited till the 1st overlord phase which ment some, times the effect card woudl be removed and force a peril card and a fate loss! ( i think ffg made a mistake in my opinion, maybe those 2 actions should be swapped check peril/fate then do encounter card. Who knows.just thinking out loud.) Good luck (*disclaimer that how we read it / played it) we kept to 'open' group sizes, and didn't place a monster if the space was blocked and such. Monsters still follow normal game rules, they only have 2 actions, one of those can only be an attack, Zombies can only do one move action, etc.
So when activating a monster, you go down the 'action list' (each bullet item that has the arrow icon next to it) until you get to an action that qualifies, then you do that action. Then you keep going down the list until you got to a second action. If you fail to get any second action, you go back to the top of the list and repeat. In the rare case that you can't do anything in the list, that Monster's activation is over. There are 2 different movement activations, Engage and Spot.
Spot is to move to the closest space that has LOS to the target. Engage is move as close as you can to the target. In the case f 'engage the exit', that means the monster runs towards the exit (usually away from the heroes). It's a nice means of adding some unpredictability to the monsters (attack then run away!).
At the start of the Overlord phase, the first thing you do is look at the current Encounter card (assuming there is an active Encounter card), the bottom red part. If there is a timer on it (and most of them do have a timer), then you add a fatigue marker to the card. Once there are an equal number of markers as the timer, you follow the text next to the timer (usually you lose the Encounter, increase the Doom track and discard the Encounter card).
So you basically only have a few turns to finish the encounter.