Fusion Io Drivers Esxi Build

Firstly, obtain the drivers (and firmware!) from the vendors support portal (/) and upload them either locally to the ESXi host of for ease of access in particular if updating multiple hosts to a datastore configured as shared storage which is connected to each host. In the below example, I will be installing/upgrading to the scsi-iomemory-vsl-55L- for the High IOPS MLC Duo Adapter for IBM System x, to which these drivers are obtained from the IBM support site.
Connect to the ESXi shell and invoke the esxcli command to install the offline bundle and specify the datastore path to the compressed file containing the vib. Esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/53a94c29-0eb4806b-15c5-b8ac6f9684c3/scsi-iomemory-vsl-55L- Once the install has completed you will receive a similar output to the below and will require to restart the ESXi host in order to complete the installation.
The hosts are running the latest patch version of ESXi 5.0 build. IO Blazing Datastore Performance with Fusion. Blazing Datastore Performance with Fusion-io. I have a spare Fusion IO/HP Accelerator card and want to add it to my server as a cache for VMware ESXi 6.5. I have seen a way to do it for VMware.
Installation Result Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective. Reboot Required: true VIBs Installed: Fusion-io_bootbank_scsi-iomemory-vsl_3.2.8.1350-1OEM.550.0.0.1198610 VIBs Removed: Fusion-io_bootbank_scsi-iomemory-vsl_3.2.6.1219-1OEM.550.0.0.1198610 VIBs Skipped: Following, a restart we can confirm that the install completed succesfully by invoking the following and determine the version isntalled. Esxcli software vib list grep Fusion-io To which the output should be similar to the below based on the offline bundle installed as above.
Scsi-iomemory-vsl Fusion-io VMwareCertified 2014-08-19 However, after installing the above and restarting the ESXi host I was unable to discover the devices, from the I ran retrieved the status of unknown as the driver was in minimal mode and prompted that the current firmware was not compataible with the installed driver. The firmware on this device is not compatible with the currently installed version of the driver Therefore, I was required to upgrade to the latest firmware by invoking the ‘fio-update-iodrive’ command fio-update-iodrive /vmfs/volumes/53a94c29-0eb4806b-15c5-b8ac6f9684c3/highiops_3.2.8-20140508.fff Once the firmware has been successfully upgraded a restart is required. Fct0 - successfully updated controller firmware from to Fct1 - successfully updated controller firmware from to In some circumstances you may be required to perform low level format of the devices, this can be confirmed by again invoking the fio-status command, to which you will receive similar output to the below if required. A media upgrade is in progress. The ioMemory will not be usable until it is low-level formatted.
Perform a format by invoking the ‘fio-format’ command, which will destroy any existing data on the drive and on completion the status should be returned as healthy and in turn the ESXi host should be able to recognise the device following a final restart. Fio-format -b 512b /dev/fct0 -f fio-format -b 512b /dev/fct1 -f Reserve space status: Healthy; Reserves: 100.00%, warn at 10.00%.
HP IO Accelerator Install Package version 3.2.8 supports both Generation 1 and Generation 2 HP IO Accelerators cards and contains the driver, utilities, firmware and SNMP agent for these cards. Version 3.2.8 is required for Generation 2 HP IO Accelerators, which have storage capacities of 365 GB, 785 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.6TB, 2.4 TB, 3.0 TB and 3.2TB. Version 3.2.8 is recommended for new installations of Generation 1 HP IO Accelerators, which have storage capacities of 80 GB, 160 GB, 320 GB, 640 GB and 1.28TB. Click the Installation Instructions tab to review the Important notes on upgrade scenarios for these cards. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. Prerequisites: Important Upgrade Notes:: • Upgrade Path: Depending on the current firmware version of the IO Accelerator, multiple firmware updates may be required to preserve internal structures.
The minimum path is: • 1.2.4>1.2.7>2.2.0>2.2.3->3.x.x • Version 3.2.2 is the preferred upgrade path from version 2.x.x, allowing customers to obtain the latest software. • However, the upgrade from version 2.x to version 3.x.x requires a reformat of the HP IO Accelerator, erasing all user data on the device in the upgrade process. • A backup of all data on the HP IO Accelerator is mandatory before installing version 3.x.x • Version 2.3.10 (Generation 1 HP IO Accelerator cards only) is recommended only for customers who have an installed base of HP IO Accelerators, which are running version 2.x of the install package, and choose not to upgrade to 3.x.x but still want the features of version 2.3.10. • Existing cards will require a firmware upgrade to all cards in the server. You must manually update the firmware.
(See the Firmware Update Procedure in the installation section). • Existing IO Accelerators configured with version 2.x must be upgraded before installing new 3.x.x IO Accelerator devices in the system.
• You must first uninstall any previous version before installing this software. See the procedure in the Installation section or review the installation notes which are included in the HP IO Accelerator User Guide. • Back up all important data.
For Red Hat Enterprise release 5 or 6, Yum must be installed prior to installing the IO Accelerator software. • Confirm the following required modules are installed on the build system: • kernel (x86-64), kernel-devel (x86-64), rpm-build, rsync, redhat-lsb, gcc, dialog • If not installed, use the this command to install all modules • $yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers gcc rsync For SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11, Zypper must be installed prior to installing the IO Accelerator software. • Confirm the following required modules are installed on the build system • kernel-smp, kernel-source, rsync, lsb, gcc, dialog • If not installed, use the this command to install all modules • $zypper install kernel-syms gcc rsync make Driver RPM Build requirements The HP-provided Linux installers for the IO Accelerator contain common binary driver modules. Alternatively, you can build the binary driver RPMs specific to the active Linux kernel by using a source RPM for the driver and compiler/build tools. This allows for the use of customized kernels, but does place additional requirements on the system used for initial installation (e.g. The 'build' system). After performing an installation on the 'build' system, the binary driver RPM can then be deployed to other systems without having to rebuild it.
• The base modules required for the build system are summarized in the following table: • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6: kernel (x86-64), kernel-devel (x86-64), rpm-build, rsync, redhat-lsb, gcc, dialog • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11: kernel-smp, kernel-source, rsync, lsb, gcc, dialog • These modules may have other dependencies that will be installed automatically assuming you are using some type of package manager/installer. The kernel-devel (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6) and kernel-source (for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) modules must match the kernel version in use. IO Accelerator Management Interface ioSphere 3.9.0 is the latest ioDrive management interface and is included as a seperate download ioSphere_3.9-OEL-5.tar, it is recommended for use with 3.2.8 and later VSL versions. • Unzip and extract the files in ioSphere_3.9-OEL-5.tar into a common directory • Locate the document Fusion-io_ioSphere_3.9.0_Installation_Guide_2014-06-11.pdf • Install the management interface using the instructions in the guide To ensure the integrity of your download, HP recommends verifying your results with the following MD5 Checksum values: 55f8c82629b3a2690aeb5e677d155ca6 ioSphere_3.9_OEL-5_HP.tar 20ced6ee49cd5aad6dd2d3 VSL328-OEL5.zip Reboot Requirement: Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained. Installation: The HP IO Accelerator software is downloaded via zip (.rar) file VSL3.2.8_OEL-5.zip. Installation instructions are provided below.
Ensure all previous versions of the software are uninstalled. VERSION 3.2.8 File Firmware file: ioaccelerator_3.2.8-20140508.fff FW Version: I. Installations • Download the filename.rar or.zip file • Unzip and extract the files to a common directory and change to that directory The directory will contain source (.src), utility, firmware (.fff), library, binaries and reference documents. The IO Accelerator driver requires a binary rpm that matches the kernel version. At least one binary rpm is provided. To determine your kernel version, type uname -r. If the binary rpm provided matches the kernel version skip to step 2 below.
HP recommends building the HP IO Accelerator binary driver from a source (src) rpm. The source (src) rpm is included in the install package files. 1) Building the binary rpm. For SLES10/11 ensure prerequisite packages are installed: $ zypper install kernel-syms make rpm-build gcc rsync or for RHEL 5/6 ensure the prerequisite packages are installed: $ yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers rpm-build gcc rsync To build the rpm installation package: $ rpmbuild --rebuild iomemory-vsl.src.rpm The new RPM package is located in a directory that is indicated in the output from the rpmbuild command. Look for the 'wrote' line. Wrote: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/iomemory-vsl- [Driver binary rpm file] Wrote: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/iomemory-vsl-config- Wrote: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/iomemory-vsl-source- Copy the driver binary rpm file to the directory where you downloaded and extracted the rpm files.
2) Install the following rpms. $ rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl-.x86_64.rpm $ rpm -Uvh lib*.rpm $ rpm -Uvh fio*.rpm 3) Reboot the system $ reboot Verify the firmware is the latest. If a firmware update is needed see firmware update section.
$ fio-status -a The IO Accelerator is ready to be used. Software Upgrade installation (from a previous version): CRITICAL WARNING: Upgrading to this release from prior releases is a one-way process. ALL DATA must be backed up first before installing this release as this will reformat the IO Accelerator and remove all previous data.
Downgrading from 3.x.x to 2.x.x is not supported. • An upgrade to 3.x.x requires all IO Accelerators within the same system to be upgraded. • If data is on the IO Accelerator drives, backup all important data on each IO Accelerator.
• Uninstall the existing software • Reboot the system. • Go to the New installation section under section I and install the 3.x.x software. (A reboot and a firmware update will most likely be needed). • Verify the firmware version is the latest. Use fio-status -a. • Update the firmware and reboot if needed.
The IO Accelerator should be ready to use and if desired, data can be restored from the backup operation. Firmware Update Procedure: Notes: • This will update all IO Accelerator cards found in the system. • If critical data has not been backed up, back up all data on the IO Accelerator(s). • Do not power down during the firmware update procedure. The firmware update may take a while. If there is an error in the update process, retry the fio-update-iodrive command.
If mounted, unmount all filesystems mounted to every IO Accelerator in the system. Note: The command ‘fio-status –a' will show the number of IO Accelerators in the system These show up typically as fctx, where x=0,1,2, etc, (e.g. Fct0) Example: # fio-status Found 2 ioDrives in the system Fusion-io driver version: fct0 Attached as 'fioa' (block device) HP StorageWorks 160 GB IO Accelerator, Product Number: AJ877A SN:13599 Alt PN: 507151-001 Firmware v36867. Fct1 Attached as 'fiob' (block device). To unmount fioa -># umount /dev/fioa 2.
Detach each IO Accelerator ->fio-detach /dev/fctx, where x = 0, 1, 2 # fio-detach /dev/fct0 /dev/fct1 3. Remove the driver from the kernel # modprobe -r fio-driver (for 1.2.x systems) or # modprobe -r iomemory_vsl (for later systems) 4.
Update firmware ->fio-update-iodrive fw_filename, where fw_filename is 'firmware.fff' file # fio-update-iodrive /usr/share/fio/firmware/io_accelerator_107004.fff 5. Power cycle the system # shutdown –h now Upon boot of the system, verify the firmware revision -># fio-status –a IV. Uninstalling Previous software (Software and driver): Log in to the system as root or use the su command to gain root access. Ensure that there are no filesystems or RAID volumes mounted to the IO Accelerator.
Detach each IO Accelerator ->fio-detach /dev/fctx, where x = 0, 1, 2 # fio-detach /dev/fct0 /dev/fct1 3. Remove the driver from kernel. Note: If there are unmounted filesystems or RAID volumes that are using the IO Accelerator, the modprobe command might fail. For 1.2.x software # modprobe -r fio-driver fio-port b. For 2.x and later software # modprobe -r iomemory_vsl 4. Remove the respective rpm packages for the release on the system.
To uninstall the 1.2.x rpm packages, run the following commands in order: # rpm -e iodrive-snmp # rpm -e iodrive-ini # rpm -e iodrive-firmware # rpm -e iodrive-util # rpm -e iodrive-drive To uninstall the 2.x and later rpm packages, query for the rpm package name and remove those packages via the 'rpm -e filename' command. See the User Guide for more information. # rpm -qa egrep -i 'fio accelerator libvsl iomemory libfusion'). End User License Agreements: Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.
Important: This software package contains the operating system driver, utilities, SNMP agent, and firmware for HP's IO Accelerator for Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 5 x86_64-bit systems. Known issues/Errata: • It is mandatory that 365GB and 785GB ioDrive2 PCIe stand-up and mezzanine cards be upgraded to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x version. • It recommended that all other Generation 1 and 2 stand-up and mezzanine cards upgrade to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x as soon as possible. • The fio-status and ioManager utilities may show slot number as unavailable on some servers. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release. • On the Blade mezzanine IO Accelerator, fio-status –a will show • PCIE slot available power: unavailable • External Power: NOT connected PCIe slot available power and external power available fields do not apply for the c-Class blade mezzanine IO Accelerator.
Sufficient power is provided to the IO Accelerator. This note will be updated in a future release. Supported Devices and Features: HP IO Accelerators for BladeSystem c-Class are designed for two form factors. • Generation 1 HP IO Accelerators use a Type 1 form factor for HP ProLiant G1-G7 BladeSystem c-Class Servers. • Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of AJ876A, AJ877A, AJ878A, AJ878B, BK836A • Supports either the 2.x.x or the 3.x.x versions of the IO Accelerator software.
• Is not compatible with HP ProLiant Gen8 BladeSystem c-Class servers. • Generation 2 HP IO Accelerator use a Type B form factor for HP ProLiant Gen8 BladeSystem c-Class Servers • Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of QK761A, QK762A, and QK763A • Requires IO Accelerator Software version 3.1.1 or greater • Is not compatible with HP ProLiant G1-G7 BladeSystem c-Class servers. HP IO Accelerators for ProLiant Servers.
• Generation 1 HP IO Accelerators for HP ProLiant Servers. • Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of 600278-B21, 600279-B21, 600280-B21, 600281-B21, 641027-B21 • Supports either the 2.x.x or the 3.x.x versions of the IO Accelerator software.
• Is compatible with supported HP ProLiant G6-Gen8 servers • Generation 2 HP IO Accelerators for HP ProLiant Servers. • Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of 673642-B21, 673644-B21, 673646-B21, 673648-B21, 721458-B21, 740320-B21, 740322-B21 • Supports the 3.x.x versions of the IO Accelerator software. • Is compatible with supported HP ProLiant G6-Gen8 servers IO Accelerator Software version 3.2.8 supports the following Operating Systems: • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 x64, R2 • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64, R2 • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6 (AMD64/EM64T) • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 (AMD64/EM64T) • VMware ESXi 5.x/5.5 • OEL 5, 6 • CentOS 5, 6 • Solaris 10, 11 • Ubuntu 12. This software package contains the operating system driver, utilities, SNMP agent, and firmware for HP's IO Accelerator for Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 5 x86_64-bit systems. Known issues/Errata: • It is mandatory that 365GB and 785GB ioDrive2 PCIe stand-up and mezzanine cards be upgraded to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x version. • It recommended that all other Generation 1 and 2 stand-up and mezzanine cards upgrade to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x as soon as possible. • The fio-status and ioManager utilities may show slot number as unavailable on some servers.
This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release. • On the Blade mezzanine IO Accelerator, fio-status –a will show • PCIE slot available power: unavailable • External Power: NOT connected PCIe slot available power and external power available fields do not apply for the c-Class blade mezzanine IO Accelerator. Sufficient power is provided to the IO Accelerator. This note will be updated in a future release. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.
Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. VSL 3.1.5 and later versions address premature retirement of erase blocks issue on Gen2 stand-up and mezzanine cards with capacities 365/785GB. Erase blocks are normally retired when fully utilized to ensure consistent performance over the life of the device. When the erase blocks are prematurely retired, they are not fully utilized and the life of the device can be shortened significantly after 2 or more years of use. This firmware corrects the premature retirement of erase blocks on the affected cards - 365/785GB capacities. The blocks that are already retired are not recovered with this fix, the impact of retired blocks is insignificant for a short duration (i.e.
6-12 months). HP IO Accelerator Install Package version 3.2.8 supports both Generation 1 and Generation 2 HP IO Accelerators cards and contains the driver, utilities, firmware and SNMP agent for these cards.
Version 3.2.8 is required for Generation 2 HP IO Accelerators, which have storage capacities of 365 GB, 785 GB, 1.2 TB, 1.6TB, 2.4 TB, 3.0 TB and 3.2TB. Version 3.2.8 is recommended for new installations of Generation 1 HP IO Accelerators, which have storage capacities of 80 GB, 160 GB, 320 GB, 640 GB and 1.28TB. Click the Installation Instructions tab to review the Important notes on upgrade scenarios for these cards. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.
Prerequisites: Important Upgrade Notes:: • Upgrade Path: Depending on the current firmware version of the IO Accelerator, multiple firmware updates may be required to preserve internal structures. The minimum path is: • 1.2.4>1.2.7>2.2.0>2.2.3->3.x.x • Version 3.2.2 is the preferred upgrade path from version 2.x.x, allowing customers to obtain the latest software. • However, the upgrade from version 2.x to version 3.x.x requires a reformat of the HP IO Accelerator, erasing all user data on the device in the upgrade process. • A backup of all data on the HP IO Accelerator is mandatory before installing version 3.x.x • Version 2.3.10 (Generation 1 HP IO Accelerator cards only) is recommended only for customers who have an installed base of HP IO Accelerators, which are running version 2.x of the install package, and choose not to upgrade to 3.x.x but still want the features of version 2.3.10.
• Existing cards will require a firmware upgrade to all cards in the server. You must manually update the firmware. (See the Firmware Update Procedure in the installation section). • Existing IO Accelerators configured with version 2.x must be upgraded before installing new 3.x.x IO Accelerator devices in the system. • You must first uninstall any previous version before installing this software. See the procedure in the Installation section or review the installation notes which are included in the HP IO Accelerator User Guide. • Back up all important data.
For Red Hat Enterprise release 5 or 6, Yum must be installed prior to installing the IO Accelerator software. • Confirm the following required modules are installed on the build system: • kernel (x86-64), kernel-devel (x86-64), rpm-build, rsync, redhat-lsb, gcc, dialog • If not installed, use the this command to install all modules • $yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers gcc rsync For SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11, Zypper must be installed prior to installing the IO Accelerator software. • Confirm the following required modules are installed on the build system • kernel-smp, kernel-source, rsync, lsb, gcc, dialog • If not installed, use the this command to install all modules • $zypper install kernel-syms gcc rsync make Driver RPM Build requirements The HP-provided Linux installers for the IO Accelerator contain common binary driver modules. Alternatively, you can build the binary driver RPMs specific to the active Linux kernel by using a source RPM for the driver and compiler/build tools. This allows for the use of customized kernels, but does place additional requirements on the system used for initial installation (e.g. The 'build' system). After performing an installation on the 'build' system, the binary driver RPM can then be deployed to other systems without having to rebuild it. • The base modules required for the build system are summarized in the following table: • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6: kernel (x86-64), kernel-devel (x86-64), rpm-build, rsync, redhat-lsb, gcc, dialog • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11: kernel-smp, kernel-source, rsync, lsb, gcc, dialog • These modules may have other dependencies that will be installed automatically assuming you are using some type of package manager/installer.
The kernel-devel (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6) and kernel-source (for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) modules must match the kernel version in use. IO Accelerator Management Interface ioSphere 3.9.0 is the latest ioDrive management interface and is included as a seperate download ioSphere_3.9-OEL-5.tar, it is recommended for use with 3.2.8 and later VSL versions. • Unzip and extract the files in ioSphere_3.9-OEL-5.tar into a common directory • Locate the document Fusion-io_ioSphere_3.9.0_Installation_Guide_2014-06-11.pdf • Install the management interface using the instructions in the guide To ensure the integrity of your download, HP recommends verifying your results with the following MD5 Checksum values: 55f8c82629b3a2690aeb5e677d155ca6 ioSphere_3.9_OEL-5_HP.tar 20ced6ee49cd5aad6dd2d3 VSL328-OEL5.zip Reboot Requirement: Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.
Installation: The HP IO Accelerator software is downloaded via zip (.rar) file VSL3.2.8_OEL-5.zip. Installation instructions are provided below. Ensure all previous versions of the software are uninstalled.
VERSION 3.2.8 File Firmware file: ioaccelerator_3.2.8-20140508.fff FW Version: I. Installations • Download the filename.rar or.zip file • Unzip and extract the files to a common directory and change to that directory The directory will contain source (.src), utility, firmware (.fff), library, binaries and reference documents.
The IO Accelerator driver requires a binary rpm that matches the kernel version. At least one binary rpm is provided. To determine your kernel version, type uname -r. If the binary rpm provided matches the kernel version skip to step 2 below. HP recommends building the HP IO Accelerator binary driver from a source (src) rpm.
The source (src) rpm is included in the install package files. 1) Building the binary rpm. For SLES10/11 ensure prerequisite packages are installed: $ zypper install kernel-syms make rpm-build gcc rsync or for RHEL 5/6 ensure the prerequisite packages are installed: $ yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers rpm-build gcc rsync To build the rpm installation package: $ rpmbuild --rebuild iomemory-vsl.src.rpm The new RPM package is located in a directory that is indicated in the output from the rpmbuild command. Look for the 'wrote' line. Wrote: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/iomemory-vsl- [Driver binary rpm file] Wrote: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/iomemory-vsl-config- Wrote: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/iomemory-vsl-source- Copy the driver binary rpm file to the directory where you downloaded and extracted the rpm files. 2) Install the following rpms. $ rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl-.x86_64.rpm $ rpm -Uvh lib*.rpm $ rpm -Uvh fio*.rpm 3) Reboot the system $ reboot Verify the firmware is the latest.
If a firmware update is needed see firmware update section. $ fio-status -a The IO Accelerator is ready to be used. Software Upgrade installation (from a previous version): CRITICAL WARNING: Upgrading to this release from prior releases is a one-way process. ALL DATA must be backed up first before installing this release as this will reformat the IO Accelerator and remove all previous data. Downgrading from 3. Elementary Fluid Dynamics Acheson Pdf Files. x.x to 2.x.x is not supported. • An upgrade to 3.x.x requires all IO Accelerators within the same system to be upgraded. • If data is on the IO Accelerator drives, backup all important data on each IO Accelerator.
• Uninstall the existing software • Reboot the system. • Go to the New installation section under section I and install the 3.x.x software. (A reboot and a firmware update will most likely be needed). • Verify the firmware version is the latest. Use fio-status -a. • Update the firmware and reboot if needed. The IO Accelerator should be ready to use and if desired, data can be restored from the backup operation.
Firmware Update Procedure: Notes: • This will update all IO Accelerator cards found in the system. • If critical data has not been backed up, back up all data on the IO Accelerator(s).
• Do not power down during the firmware update procedure. The firmware update may take a while. If there is an error in the update process, retry the fio-update-iodrive command. If mounted, unmount all filesystems mounted to every IO Accelerator in the system. Note: The command ‘fio-status –a' will show the number of IO Accelerators in the system These show up typically as fctx, where x=0,1,2, etc, (e.g.
Fct0) Example: # fio-status Found 2 ioDrives in the system Fusion-io driver version: fct0 Attached as 'fioa' (block device) HP StorageWorks 160 GB IO Accelerator, Product Number: AJ877A SN:13599 Alt PN: 507151-001 Firmware v36867. Fct1 Attached as 'fiob' (block device). To unmount fioa -># umount /dev/fioa 2.
Detach each IO Accelerator ->fio-detach /dev/fctx, where x = 0, 1, 2 # fio-detach /dev/fct0 /dev/fct1 3. Remove the driver from the kernel # modprobe -r fio-driver (for 1.2.x systems) or # modprobe -r iomemory_vsl (for later systems) 4. Update firmware ->fio-update-iodrive fw_filename, where fw_filename is 'firmware.fff' file # fio-update-iodrive /usr/share/fio/firmware/io_accelerator_107004.fff 5. Power cycle the system # shutdown –h now Upon boot of the system, verify the firmware revision -># fio-status –a IV. Uninstalling Previous software (Software and driver): Log in to the system as root or use the su command to gain root access. Ensure that there are no filesystems or RAID volumes mounted to the IO Accelerator.
Detach each IO Accelerator ->fio-detach /dev/fctx, where x = 0, 1, 2 # fio-detach /dev/fct0 /dev/fct1 3. Remove the driver from kernel. Note: If there are unmounted filesystems or RAID volumes that are using the IO Accelerator, the modprobe command might fail. For 1.2.x software # modprobe -r fio-driver fio-port b. For 2.x and later software # modprobe -r iomemory_vsl 4.
Remove the respective rpm packages for the release on the system. To uninstall the 1.2.x rpm packages, run the following commands in order: # rpm -e iodrive-snmp # rpm -e iodrive-ini # rpm -e iodrive-firmware # rpm -e iodrive-util # rpm -e iodrive-drive To uninstall the 2.x and later rpm packages, query for the rpm package name and remove those packages via the 'rpm -e filename' command. See the User Guide for more information.
# rpm -qa egrep -i 'fio accelerator libvsl iomemory libfusion') Release Notes. End User License Agreements: Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. Important: This software package contains the operating system driver, utilities, SNMP agent, and firmware for HP's IO Accelerator for Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 5 x86_64-bit systems. Known issues/Errata: • It is mandatory that 365GB and 785GB ioDrive2 PCIe stand-up and mezzanine cards be upgraded to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x version. • It recommended that all other Generation 1 and 2 stand-up and mezzanine cards upgrade to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x as soon as possible. • The fio-status and ioManager utilities may show slot number as unavailable on some servers. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release.
• On the Blade mezzanine IO Accelerator, fio-status –a will show • PCIE slot available power: unavailable • External Power: NOT connected PCIe slot available power and external power available fields do not apply for the c-Class blade mezzanine IO Accelerator. Sufficient power is provided to the IO Accelerator. This note will be updated in a future release. Supported Devices and Features: HP IO Accelerators for BladeSystem c-Class are designed for two form factors. • Generation 1 HP IO Accelerators use a Type 1 form factor for HP ProLiant G1-G7 BladeSystem c-Class Servers.
• Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of AJ876A, AJ877A, AJ878A, AJ878B, BK836A • Supports either the 2.x.x or the 3.x.x versions of the IO Accelerator software. • Is not compatible with HP ProLiant Gen8 BladeSystem c-Class servers. • Generation 2 HP IO Accelerator use a Type B form factor for HP ProLiant Gen8 BladeSystem c-Class Servers • Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of QK761A, QK762A, and QK763A • Requires IO Accelerator Software version 3.1.1 or greater • Is not compatible with HP ProLiant G1-G7 BladeSystem c-Class servers. HP IO Accelerators for ProLiant Servers. • Generation 1 HP IO Accelerators for HP ProLiant Servers. • Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of 600278-B21, 600279-B21, 600280-B21, 600281-B21, 641027-B21 • Supports either the 2.x.x or the 3.x.x versions of the IO Accelerator software. • Is compatible with supported HP ProLiant G6-Gen8 servers • Generation 2 HP IO Accelerators for HP ProLiant Servers.
• Includes IO Accelerator product with part numbers of 673642-B21, 673644-B21, 673646-B21, 673648-B21, 721458-B21, 740320-B21, 740322-B21 • Supports the 3.x.x versions of the IO Accelerator software. • Is compatible with supported HP ProLiant G6-Gen8 servers IO Accelerator Software version 3.2.8 supports the following Operating Systems: • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 x64, R2 • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64, R2 • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6 (AMD64/EM64T) • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 (AMD64/EM64T) • VMware ESXi 5.x/5.5 • OEL 5, 6 • CentOS 5, 6 • Solaris 10, 11 • Ubuntu 12 Important. This software package contains the operating system driver, utilities, SNMP agent, and firmware for HP's IO Accelerator for Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 5 x86_64-bit systems.
Known issues/Errata: • It is mandatory that 365GB and 785GB ioDrive2 PCIe stand-up and mezzanine cards be upgraded to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x version. • It recommended that all other Generation 1 and 2 stand-up and mezzanine cards upgrade to 3.1.5/108609 or later 3.x.x as soon as possible.
• The fio-status and ioManager utilities may show slot number as unavailable on some servers. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release. • On the Blade mezzanine IO Accelerator, fio-status –a will show • PCIE slot available power: unavailable • External Power: NOT connected PCIe slot available power and external power available fields do not apply for the c-Class blade mezzanine IO Accelerator. Sufficient power is provided to the IO Accelerator. This note will be updated in a future release. Revision History.
Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. Upgrade Requirement: Recommended - HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience. VSL 3.1.5 and later versions address premature retirement of erase blocks issue on Gen2 stand-up and mezzanine cards with capacities 365/785GB.
Erase blocks are normally retired when fully utilized to ensure consistent performance over the life of the device. When the erase blocks are prematurely retired, they are not fully utilized and the life of the device can be shortened significantly after 2 or more years of use. This firmware corrects the premature retirement of erase blocks on the affected cards - 365/785GB capacities. The blocks that are already retired are not recovered with this fix, the impact of retired blocks is insignificant for a short duration (i.e.
6-12 months).