My Traffic 2013 Fsx Crack Sp2
Let us share the experience with FSX - SE and MyTraffic here. It contains no Trafficdatabasebuilder - but you can use the one from FSX SP1, Acceleration or SP2 if you have it. Another bad news, the scenery library tool does not work properly, it adds a section to scenery.cfg, but then complains that this contains no scenery, and indeed the path just was plain nonsense. I had to edit scenery.cfg by hand, but under Windows 8 this is not easy because the user is not allowed to make changes in the programdata folder, even if he is administrator and UAC is switched off. So you have to run the editor as Administrator, then you can do it. Good news is that MyTrafficInteractive works.
Aerosoft - My Traffic 2013 - FSPilotShop. Flight Simulator 2004 Flight Simulator X Utilities. FSX Addons & hardware, yokes, pedals, scenery, aircraft.

And yes if you have some skills you can get it to show MyTraffic AI traffic - but if you have these skills why don't you use the real one - in the shops here FSX Gold DVDs are cheaper than the Steam edition, and give you much more. About performance, Frame rate with a fresh installed FSX SE is identical to SP2 with no addons installed - if you compare with an old install that has tons of FS8 code installed it is faster of course. My FSX SE install is more stable and runs smoother than any previous FSX version I have ever used. Currently, I have REX4 TD+Soft Clouds, Orbx Global + Orbx Vector + Pilots FS Mesh, A2A AccuFeel, Shockwave Lights, and 3 Carenado aircraft installed and everything looks and runs very, very well. I have the usual FSX.config tweaks. Fiction Plot Producer Software. As is known, Active Sky Next and Orbx Regions and Airports are not currently compatible with FSX SE.
Updates are supposedly on the way for these 'must-have' add-ons but it's taking forever. Now, I installed MyTraffic 2013 and made sure I had the added line in the Simobjects section of the config and directed the Scenery Library to the MyTraffic Folder in my FSX Folder.
With Commercial Traffic set at 45% I get excellent airline and military traffic. However, with General Aviation set at even 65% GA traffic is sparse, a rare Cessna 182 and the occasional Bombardier Lear. No other traffic BGL's exist in my install other than the ones specified by MyTraffic. The default Traffic.BGL is 'passive.'
Can you tell me exactly what I need to do to get MyTraffic 2013 to work properly in FSX Steam? I want to stick with the Steam version over any other FSX version. Bigger issue - it contains no traffic toolbox.dll, and I neither got the one from Acceleration nor the one from SP2 to work. This is a severe limitation. Did any of you succeed?
My FSX-SE installation contains a subfolder SDK and has that dll in the folder: D: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common FSX SDK Environment Kit Traffic Toolbox SDK (that's where steam is located on my computer) The SDK was added in a recent Steam update. It may not have everything that is available in the FSX Gold SDK, but I didn't really check that carefully. I've already uninstalled FSX Gold and I will uninstall FSX-SE when VRS's add-on TacPack is released for P3d later this month. I'm trying to keep the FSX-SE installation as clean as possible until that happens. Im very confused. I just installed the SDK from C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common FSX SDK Core Utilities Kit SimConnect SDK LegacyInterfaces FSX-XPACK and then ran the installer for Mytraffic.
Everything is working as intended and I am yet to have an issue. Not sure why you may have struggled with it but it installs just like it did in boxed FSX. And I would buy those Gold edition copies because on Amazon and Ebay FSX Boxed is selling for over $100 where I got FSX Steam Edition for $4.99 USD. Its not on its 3rd patch and an open beta, last patch I saw for FSX Boxed was 8 years ago so I am not sure what more the 8 year old boxed edition has to give me.:unsure. Let us share the experience with FSX - SE and MyTraffic here. It contains no Trafficdatabasebuilder - but you can use the one from FSX SP1, Acceleration or SP2 if you have it. Another bad news, the scenery library tool does not work properly, it adds a section to scenery.cfg, but then complains that this contains no scenery, and indeed the path just was plain nonsense.
I had to edit scenery.cfg by hand, but under Windows 8 this is not easy because the user is not allowed to make changes in the programdata folder, even if he is administrator and UAC is switched off. So you have to run the editor as Administrator, then you can do it. Good news is that MyTrafficInteractive works. And yes if you have some skills you can get it to show MyTraffic AI traffic - but if you have these skills why don't you use the real one - in the shops here FSX Gold DVDs are cheaper than the Steam edition, and give you much more. About performance, Frame rate with a fresh installed FSX SE is identical to SP2 with no addons installed - if you compare with an old install that has tons of FS8 code installed it is faster of course. I too got my traffic to run with fsx se and having a tough time getting it to run, i cant find the scenery file that it said needs to be added.
Is there a proper guide for the installation. The only way to add scenery is using the scenery dialog inside of FSX. Manual changes to scenery.cfg are not supported by Microsoft and should never be done. Well I've never done it any other way!
Much easier and more foolproof! It's only a text file and the format is easy to understand. My FSX-SE scenery.cfg is a copy of my FSX one -- all the paths, throughout, use full paths so I have exactly the same scenery layers in both.
I also share all the SimObjects folders the same way. Same with my DLL.XML and EXE.XML files, and the FSX_SE.CFG is a copy of my FSX.CFG.
So, all my add-ons are the same in FSX-SE and in FSX and SE runs much faster and, (much) more importantly, more smoothly. Pete, I know that you know what you are doing:) To my analysis, most FSX Problems are due to manual editing of scenery.cfg.
The in game dialog not only changes this entry, but also creates the scenery indices - without it happens that the two book keepings of scenery in the indices and in the config file get different, leading to support nightmares. This was discussed in the FSX beta group, and the clear statement of ACES at that time was that they do not support any FSX which had manual changes to scenery.cfg - the only way Microsoft supports is via the ingame dialog. FS9 with ist newscenery.cfg way was different, but this was discontinued without replacement - there we too hat the Problem that addons wrote into scenery.cfg directly leading to many crashes. OK, we know it works 99% of the times, but give me a $ for every reinstall of FSX due to this config mess, and I buy you a Global Express. I get the same Frame rate on FSX and FSX-SE, within very few%. The FSX install itself has not seen any other addons but MyTraffic itself. Both are about 1.5 times faster than P3DV1 and 2.5 times faster than P3DV2.
Smoother Burkhard. And that is for sure. I was running the same Installation, with the same Addons with FSX DELUXE (or Gold in US) and Acceleration, and then with FSX SE. And I have the Feeling (surely I was not measuring it;)), that it handles the Speed better on modern systems. May an out of a box install shows no big difference, but with lots of addons. Especially the Texture drawing and Autogen with FSX SE is much faster and smoother (under DX10 with Steves Fixer).
However this is my experience as a long long User of the Classic FSX (and other Flightsimulators since Sublogics first one);) Probably you (and Pete) know, that Dovetail don´t have the license to change the sources for the ESP (like LM for Prepar3D) but they´ve updated the VC++ Compilers in FSX SE. So maybe that is the reason. But one 'offtopic' word for dual installs on the same System for the community.
Even if some Vendors give the possibility to have FSX Classic and FSX SE side by side on one System. Then you will completely messed up (like me;)) because a large number of addons don´t know a dual install and want only one Installation and you will never know what config you will have to change now. At least me for myself will go with FSX SE in Future (though never thought I would say this;)). I´ve deinstalled completely my old FSX.
Hope Oliver will provide another Version of AES someday, as this is the only disadvantage for using FSX SE. Regards, Jens.
I am new here and last week I purchased My Traffic 6 to enhance my FSX experience. I am using the Steam Edition of FSX and so far I am very pleased with my purchase. I spent hours reading forum after forum trying to figure out which A.I. Traffic add on would best suit my needs and be compatible with FSX:SE. I tried WoAI for some time but many of the packages were out dated and some of my favorite airlines had not been updated for years and I wanted a simpler solution.
I decided to try a payware add on and My Traffic 6 seemed to be the most recent in terms of release date. Despite seeing several uses post having issues with the install of MT6, I found it easy enough to install and not before long my world was populated with a wide assortment of airlines flying all kinds of aircraft types. So will all this traffic cause FSX to crash? I planned a few flights in North America to some major airports (all add on airports) to answer this question. KMCO (Taxi2Gate) to KIAD (FlightBeam) then off to KDEN (FlightBeam) with one final stop at KSFO (FlightBeam). My FSX traffic slider was at 50% and the Simulator never crashed.
By the way, I was flying the Aerosoft Airbus A320. I did encounter an issue with default buildings showing up at KIAD because of MT6's bgl files but resolved that issue easily enough. I currently live in the Caribbean and sometimes fly long haul flights from Europe to Caribbean airports. I did a flight from EGKK to TKPK and found my only disappointment with My Traffic 6 so far. There were no LIAT flights in the Caribbean. To a simmer from this part of the world not seeing any LIAT flights in the region is a bit of a let down. I am still very glad that I bought My Traffic 6 and so far it seems to be working great with my FSX: Steam Edition.
I am not as tech savvy as many simmers on here and I am learning as I go.just thought I would share my experience with My Traffic 6 and FSX:SE so far. Regards, CaribbeanCLANK. Hello from Ron Kolesar, AKa The Blind Pilot.
I had picked up my traffic 2013, but can not hear any ai traffic when I'm flying within FSX STEAM. I ended up reinstalling Ultimate Traffic 2. I had picked up MT 2013 because I was told that the UI is more blind friendly and that the program is more up to date than the older ut2 program.
But I can not get it to work. I have the following two programs installed. Third Party Aircraft Sound Installer version 1.2 and the Third Party GA sound utility program version 1.2 as well. I'd like to figure out what I'm doing wrong and why I can not get my traffic 2013 to work while flying within fsx steam.
Can anyone help me out with step by step instructions? While within the Third Party Aircraft Sound Installer program, I down arrowed to the my traffic link and simply installed mt 2013 as administrator and intered in my unlock code with no problems.
So what did I do wrong? Very Thankfully Yours, Ron Kolesar AKA The Blind Pilot and in the real world known as U.S. Ham Radio Station KR3DOG.